Monday, March 22, 2010

Why should we learn until getting high degree?

My girlfriend said, we can be someones who are very good, talented, rich and even become billionaires without having a scroll of degree. Yes, she is true when she stated the names of the Malaysian billionaires who did not accomplish their high-education and perform very well in the businesses. Those were happen for the last 20 to 40 years ago. They are actually very brilliant people who did not have the opportunities to continue their studies because of money and life survival.

In contrast nowadays, many parents ask their children to continue their studies at least getting diploma. There are various of high-educational institutions offer many fields of studies. Automatically getting financial support such PTPTN, will ease everybody to be enrolled in the program that they like.

If we look around at private institutions, why does the government still approve the new private colleges which sometimes collaborate with other foreign institutions? Are there still not enough high education institutions in Malaysia?

First i think is, the government wants their people knowledgeable and educated. To be developed country, every Malaysian should have a competent skill and high knowledge. Our country needs many doctors, engineers, dentists, researchers as well as skilled workers to develop the country very well.

Second one is, everybody has opportunity to get high certificate of degree. Even you only get three credits in your SPM, but you still can get into high educational institutions. Fail once does not mean you will fail in your future. If you do well in the high institution, you can be a knowledgeable person such as Lecturer.

Third one is, how to be a billionaire if you do not have any qualifications and various knowledge nowadays? How do you setup a good business which make you billionaire? Any ideas of that? For me, knowledge and attitudes are very important. If you want to be entrepreneur, the people will see who is the owner and founder of the company. For example, between Juz Mate 5 and the other slimming products, which one is that people assume more reliable and guaranty safe? For me, of cos juz mate 5 because the founder has good reputation and high knowledge.

To be a billionaire, the first step i think is getting into the high education. Then, you have to open the businesses when you are ready for that.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Am i a very kind person?

Yes, i am very generous and kind person even though i am not rich but i still can help the others. It does not mean you are very kind if you could only give the money to the others. For me, if there is someone who is burglar comes very near to me and asking for money, i for sure will give him or her one Ringgit.

I know the value of the money nowadays. And it is not easy lending the money to your friend even though it is just ten bulks. What i am doing to be a kind person are giving some motivations to them, sharing my food sometimes or teaching the subjects that they are not understand especially in programming. By teaching the subject that you already knew, will help you become more understand actually. I must set a lot of time to understand very well in every chapter that i really do not know such as Operating System and Computer Organization. Two of them are very though subjects in this semester since i have no ideas about that before.. Pray for my success.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Entrepreneur Program

Alhamdulillah, Entrepreneur Programs that i have attended twice, gave me the good ideas on the prospect of Entrepreneurship. Thanks to Kelab Permata which established under PKNS, provides many programs for free to students of universities in Selangor such as uitm, kuis, ukm, ipm and unisel.

In UniSel, many of students are not interested to attend this program. Sometime, i think the Unisel students do not know and alert that such these programs are very useful to them. They do not know, either they can easily get the job after graduation or not. If not, they can open the business as an income. How to setup a business? Grab this opportunity by attending this program.

On 6th March, there was a program about the ICT. The presenter, Azree Hanafiah had given a talk about the techniques on how create blog, use Facebook in proper way, and also tips to sell products. Azree Hanafiah who has the same age with me, now is working as website developer. He studied by himself for two years. I realized that at this age, I should work and support myself.

These are the websites he gave to the attendees:
I just want to tell you about website of The creator whose name Aman, is studying in Unisel right now. I have not met him yet. If I am not mistaken, he is taking business course and he loves about gadget and IT. His website has achieved the top 50 Malaysian website of the most view. Azree told that, Celcom sometime will find him to do the promotion about its products to be published in his website. Wonderful what.. Hobby can make you money.

Mentor Mentee Database

I have taken the subject of Database System in this semester and i have decided to do Mentor-mentee Database System. The system which is built for the Mentors who are also lecturers, is very useful since the data of the mentees is in Lecturers' fingertips.

I hope i will develop it succesfully. There are less than two month to develop this system which i have done nothing since i propose to do it last month. This subject is very interesting actually but it seems i am not ready to cope with the lecturer. I do not know either i can 'A' in this subject. This semester subjects are very tough, need a lot of focus and remember.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Agent of Stormreaders

I had been registered as one of Stormreaders' agents by making a payment of RM90. So, i want to introduce the books which are made by the Telaga Biru Company. Many of book about Islam, motivation and Entrepreneurship can be bought through online payment. As a students, i think the best books for me are shown as above.

You can click the link Stormreaders on your left for further information.