Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Setara 2009 for unisel
Setara is a rating mechanism to measure the performance of undergrad teaching and learning.
Unisel was ranked as very good place to study for undergrad and had same level with other IPTAs. Good job Unisel for giving us your reliability and good performances.
Unisel which sometimes provides us as a second chance of continuing our study,
can be one of the best universities if the students here are more creative and innovative.
I just watched Dunia Baru the Movie which my girlfriend gave to me last week and it was fantastic cause the shooting was made in Unisel batang berjuntai.
I think it could be one of promotion of this uni on those time onward..
Friday, July 23, 2010
After a year studying in unisel, i just feel that my friendship here is growing up becoming and stronger. Yeah, as a student, i can not neglect or avoid from being a friend of everyone.
Even though i might be the one among the older students in my batch, but it seems we are suit with each other. This is happen because we respect, appreciate and feel deep admiration
for everyone of us.
Sometimes we are more advance than the others, so we can help them by teaching the parts that they could not understand. Sometimes we are more lazy than the others, then we can get some helps from them.. Good attitude right? But sometimes all of them are very damn lazy too, so how? Actually, they are lazy not because of less efforts but they all are damn bluntly not understand especially on the programming parts huhu.... If they went to Ostolia and studying in one of top universities, for sure they wont ever qualify to get their degree in Computer Science there.. huhu shoot towards my head also.. heh what eva lah...
The ending of the story... keep in touch whatever, whenever and wherever you are through facebook hehe.. We can just keep in touch through Facebook when we get into job life later on.. Through a student life is the only way we can develop our friendship become stronger and its hard depleted from our memory one day. When we have our own families and children, its might be no way to find such friendship that we found during studies..
Thursday, June 3, 2010
I was a Translator
I got many friends who are foreigners. One day, three of them got caught by two policemen because of did not having a licence and road tax for their motorbikes.
Then i had to be a translator between the policemen and my friends. They only got fined for not having driving licence and had to pay that fines within two months to district police station. Because of they are students, the policemen lets the motorbikes to be freed.
So, please follow the laws.
Do not stay illegally
When i agreed to enroll the short course which was held in unisel, i had to find the accommodation to be stayed for 20 days. Then, i called my friend who is not local, and he gave me the an option of staying in hostel which was his friend's room and he got the key. Then, without thinking what would be the further possibility of staying illegally, i put my things inside the room and went to class as innocent.
After a week of attending the class and it was the end of month of may, i was surprised by the hostel owner who was hijacking the room when i was in the class. Everything inside the room which are important had been taken or 'sita' by the owner. But owner worker did not take the small things and two luggages which also very important belong to my friend's friend. Luckily, i put my entire clothes that they did not take to the next room which i lets the door opened and could not be locked because i did not have a key for that room. They had only stolen a beautiful t-shirt and my helmet and my friend's helmet which i put them in the hall.
Inside the room that i got the key and always be locked, i only put my laptop, medicine, phone's charger, towel and earphone. When i claimed for the things that had been stolen, only the laptop on the list and i was fined RM50 for only getting the laptop. My helmet and my friend's helmet got stolen by the workers and the owner was not responsible for that.
To continue the life here, i had to buy my helmet, my friend's helmet and also a towel which cost me almost 100bucks.
I had wasted RM150 only for this. huh.. i really did my mistake and alhamdulillah, my laptop was safe.. This is a remarkable bad memory
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
3 Cara tidak melewat-lewatkan kerja daripada irfan khairi
Cara #1: Beri tekanan pada diri sendiri
Ramai antara kita menunggu sesuatu atau seseorang untuk memotivasikan mereka. Sebenarnya motivasi ada di mana-mana sahaja. Dengan hanya menunggu, tiada apa yang akan berlaku. Antara kita, hanya 2% sahaja yang boleh memulakan sesuatu tanpa sebarang pengawasan atau suruhan. Mereka ini digelar pemimpin. Sekiranya anda menunggu, anda akan menunggu untuk selama-lamanya.
Pemimpin melakukan pilihan sendiri untuk terus berusaha, golongan ini meletakkan satu standard yang tinggi. Anda perlu menanamkan semangat sebagai seorang pemimpin dan lakukan lebih daripada apa yang sepatutnya anda lakukan. Sekiranya anda bekerja, lakukan lebih daripada apa yang anda dibayar.
Sekiranya kita melakukan sesuatu lebih daripada kemampuan kita, kita akan merasakan kepuasan dan semangat akan semakin menjadi tinggi. Sekiranya anda melakukan kerja yang anda ingin siapkan pada kadar segera, anggap dan letakkan tekanan bahawa ia mesti disiapkan pada kadar yang segera. Anggap hari esok anda perlu ke outstation dan kerja di tangan anda ini mesti di siapkan juga sebelum malam ini. Bayangkan dan Tanya pada diri anda sendiri, sekiranya esok saya harus pergi outstation, apa perlu saya lakukan untuk menyiapkan kerja saya pada hari ini juga.
Cara #2: Apa akan terjadi sekiranya...
Ianya dikatakan, manusia melakukan perkara untuk mendapatkan kebahagiaan atau mengelakkan kesengsaraan. Dalam apa sahaja yang anda lakukan, sudah pasti terdapat elemen menambahkan kebahagiaan anda, atau mengelakkan kesengsaraan dan penderitaan.
Dalam mengurus masa anda, fikirkan apa yang akan terjadi, sekiranya anda tidak melakukan tugasan di tangan secepat mungkin. Adakah anda mendapat kebahagiaan, atau kesengsaraan?
Beri tumpuan dan fokus kepada perasaan tersebut. Lipatkali gandakan perasaan tersebut, sekiranya kebahagiaan, gandakannya dengan sepuluh! Sekiranya kesengsaraan yang anda akan dapat, gandakannya dengan sepuluh.
Manusia melakukan sesuatu oleh kerana emosi di dalam diri. Dengan memainkan emosi anda dengan fokus kepada mendapat kebahagiaan yang berganda dan mengelakkan kesengsaraan yang berganda, emosi anda akan memberi daya tolakan kepada diri anda untuk menyiapkan sesuatu kerja secepat mungkin dnegan sempurna.
Pertimbangkan apa yang akan terjadi sekiranya apa yang anda ingin lakukan di lewat-lewatkan!
Cara #3: Tambahkan ilmu dalam bidang focus anda
Manusia adalah insan yang amat hebat dan boleh mencapai apa sahaja matlamat dengan ilmu dan pengalaman yang mencukupi. Lipatkali gandakan ilmu anda dalam bidang anda. Dengan ilmu yang lengkap, segala kerja yang dilakukan adalah lebih mudah.
Sering kali kita tidak dapat meneruskan sesuatu kerja apabila kita tidak tahu melakukannya, atau, mempunyai ilmu yang kurang dalam kerja yang perlu ditangani. Ini akan melambatkan sesuatutugas dan adakalanya akan menurunkan produktiviti dan motivasi. Tekanan mula di rasa apabila ilmu yang dimiliki tidak dapat menangani kerja di tangan.
Dedikasikan diri anda untuk menjadi pakar dalam bidang anda. Baca buku, hadiri seminar, minta nasihat dari yang lebih pakar, dan tambahkan kepakaran anda, sama ada yang berkaitan secara langsung dengan kerja anda, atupun yang tidak.
Orang disekeliling anda akan merasa pelik, bagaimana anda mencapai kejayaan dalam waktu yang amat singkat. Jawapannya, lipat kali gandakan ilmu dalam bidang anda!
Ramai antara kita menunggu sesuatu atau seseorang untuk memotivasikan mereka. Sebenarnya motivasi ada di mana-mana sahaja. Dengan hanya menunggu, tiada apa yang akan berlaku. Antara kita, hanya 2% sahaja yang boleh memulakan sesuatu tanpa sebarang pengawasan atau suruhan. Mereka ini digelar pemimpin. Sekiranya anda menunggu, anda akan menunggu untuk selama-lamanya.
Pemimpin melakukan pilihan sendiri untuk terus berusaha, golongan ini meletakkan satu standard yang tinggi. Anda perlu menanamkan semangat sebagai seorang pemimpin dan lakukan lebih daripada apa yang sepatutnya anda lakukan. Sekiranya anda bekerja, lakukan lebih daripada apa yang anda dibayar.
Sekiranya kita melakukan sesuatu lebih daripada kemampuan kita, kita akan merasakan kepuasan dan semangat akan semakin menjadi tinggi. Sekiranya anda melakukan kerja yang anda ingin siapkan pada kadar segera, anggap dan letakkan tekanan bahawa ia mesti disiapkan pada kadar yang segera. Anggap hari esok anda perlu ke outstation dan kerja di tangan anda ini mesti di siapkan juga sebelum malam ini. Bayangkan dan Tanya pada diri anda sendiri, sekiranya esok saya harus pergi outstation, apa perlu saya lakukan untuk menyiapkan kerja saya pada hari ini juga.
Cara #2: Apa akan terjadi sekiranya...
Ianya dikatakan, manusia melakukan perkara untuk mendapatkan kebahagiaan atau mengelakkan kesengsaraan. Dalam apa sahaja yang anda lakukan, sudah pasti terdapat elemen menambahkan kebahagiaan anda, atau mengelakkan kesengsaraan dan penderitaan.
Dalam mengurus masa anda, fikirkan apa yang akan terjadi, sekiranya anda tidak melakukan tugasan di tangan secepat mungkin. Adakah anda mendapat kebahagiaan, atau kesengsaraan?
Beri tumpuan dan fokus kepada perasaan tersebut. Lipatkali gandakan perasaan tersebut, sekiranya kebahagiaan, gandakannya dengan sepuluh! Sekiranya kesengsaraan yang anda akan dapat, gandakannya dengan sepuluh.
Manusia melakukan sesuatu oleh kerana emosi di dalam diri. Dengan memainkan emosi anda dengan fokus kepada mendapat kebahagiaan yang berganda dan mengelakkan kesengsaraan yang berganda, emosi anda akan memberi daya tolakan kepada diri anda untuk menyiapkan sesuatu kerja secepat mungkin dnegan sempurna.
Pertimbangkan apa yang akan terjadi sekiranya apa yang anda ingin lakukan di lewat-lewatkan!
Cara #3: Tambahkan ilmu dalam bidang focus anda
Manusia adalah insan yang amat hebat dan boleh mencapai apa sahaja matlamat dengan ilmu dan pengalaman yang mencukupi. Lipatkali gandakan ilmu anda dalam bidang anda. Dengan ilmu yang lengkap, segala kerja yang dilakukan adalah lebih mudah.
Sering kali kita tidak dapat meneruskan sesuatu kerja apabila kita tidak tahu melakukannya, atau, mempunyai ilmu yang kurang dalam kerja yang perlu ditangani. Ini akan melambatkan sesuatutugas dan adakalanya akan menurunkan produktiviti dan motivasi. Tekanan mula di rasa apabila ilmu yang dimiliki tidak dapat menangani kerja di tangan.
Dedikasikan diri anda untuk menjadi pakar dalam bidang anda. Baca buku, hadiri seminar, minta nasihat dari yang lebih pakar, dan tambahkan kepakaran anda, sama ada yang berkaitan secara langsung dengan kerja anda, atupun yang tidak.
Orang disekeliling anda akan merasa pelik, bagaimana anda mencapai kejayaan dalam waktu yang amat singkat. Jawapannya, lipat kali gandakan ilmu dalam bidang anda!
Friday, May 21, 2010
lazy to update
my first year degree has finished.. no waiting to get enter the second year.. and currently on a vacation for 1 month..
Monday, March 22, 2010
Why should we learn until getting high degree?
My girlfriend said, we can be someones who are very good, talented, rich and even become billionaires without having a scroll of degree. Yes, she is true when she stated the names of the Malaysian billionaires who did not accomplish their high-education and perform very well in the businesses. Those were happen for the last 20 to 40 years ago. They are actually very brilliant people who did not have the opportunities to continue their studies because of money and life survival.
In contrast nowadays, many parents ask their children to continue their studies at least getting diploma. There are various of high-educational institutions offer many fields of studies. Automatically getting financial support such PTPTN, will ease everybody to be enrolled in the program that they like.
If we look around at private institutions, why does the government still approve the new private colleges which sometimes collaborate with other foreign institutions? Are there still not enough high education institutions in Malaysia?
First i think is, the government wants their people knowledgeable and educated. To be developed country, every Malaysian should have a competent skill and high knowledge. Our country needs many doctors, engineers, dentists, researchers as well as skilled workers to develop the country very well.
Second one is, everybody has opportunity to get high certificate of degree. Even you only get three credits in your SPM, but you still can get into high educational institutions. Fail once does not mean you will fail in your future. If you do well in the high institution, you can be a knowledgeable person such as Lecturer.
Third one is, how to be a billionaire if you do not have any qualifications and various knowledge nowadays? How do you setup a good business which make you billionaire? Any ideas of that? For me, knowledge and attitudes are very important. If you want to be entrepreneur, the people will see who is the owner and founder of the company. For example, between Juz Mate 5 and the other slimming products, which one is that people assume more reliable and guaranty safe? For me, of cos juz mate 5 because the founder has good reputation and high knowledge.
To be a billionaire, the first step i think is getting into the high education. Then, you have to open the businesses when you are ready for that.
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Am i a very kind person?
Yes, i am very generous and kind person even though i am not rich but i still can help the others. It does not mean you are very kind if you could only give the money to the others. For me, if there is someone who is burglar comes very near to me and asking for money, i for sure will give him or her one Ringgit.
I know the value of the money nowadays. And it is not easy lending the money to your friend even though it is just ten bulks. What i am doing to be a kind person are giving some motivations to them, sharing my food sometimes or teaching the subjects that they are not understand especially in programming. By teaching the subject that you already knew, will help you become more understand actually. I must set a lot of time to understand very well in every chapter that i really do not know such as Operating System and Computer Organization. Two of them are very though subjects in this semester since i have no ideas about that before.. Pray for my success.
Friday, March 12, 2010
Entrepreneur Program
Alhamdulillah, Entrepreneur Programs that i have attended twice, gave me the good ideas on the prospect of Entrepreneurship. Thanks to Kelab Permata which established under PKNS, provides many programs for free to students of universities in Selangor such as uitm, kuis, ukm, ipm and unisel.
In UniSel, many of students are not interested to attend this program. Sometime, i think the Unisel students do not know and alert that such these programs are very useful to them. They do not know, either they can easily get the job after graduation or not. If not, they can open the business as an income. How to setup a business? Grab this opportunity by attending this program.
On 6th March, there was a program about the ICT. The presenter, Azree Hanafiah had given a talk about the techniques on how create blog, use Facebook in proper way, and also tips to sell products. Azree Hanafiah who has the same age with me, now is working as website developer. He studied by himself for two years. I realized that at this age, I should work and support myself.
These are the websites he gave to the attendees:
I just want to tell you about website of The creator whose name Aman, is studying in Unisel right now. I have not met him yet. If I am not mistaken, he is taking business course and he loves about gadget and IT. His website has achieved the top 50 Malaysian website of the most view. Azree told that, Celcom sometime will find him to do the promotion about its products to be published in his website. Wonderful what.. Hobby can make you money.
Mentor Mentee Database
I have taken the subject of Database System in this semester and i have decided to do Mentor-mentee Database System. The system which is built for the Mentors who are also lecturers, is very useful since the data of the mentees is in Lecturers' fingertips.
I hope i will develop it succesfully. There are less than two month to develop this system which i have done nothing since i propose to do it last month. This subject is very interesting actually but it seems i am not ready to cope with the lecturer. I do not know either i can 'A' in this subject. This semester subjects are very tough, need a lot of focus and remember.
Friday, March 5, 2010
Agent of Stormreaders

I had been registered as one of Stormreaders' agents by making a payment of RM90. So, i want to introduce the books which are made by the Telaga Biru Company. Many of book about Islam, motivation and Entrepreneurship can be bought through online payment. As a students, i think the best books for me are shown as above.
You can click the link Stormreaders on your left for further information.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
ex-SBPIJ 2004 Futsal Game reunion
On 16 February 2010, we had organized futsal game just playing for fun. Actually, we invited all the guys to come this event through the Facebook. But the responds were not encouraging and there were less than 10 friends confirmed to come. So we think it was difficult to play with a few players.
Khairi and I were the creators of this event. We tried our best to invite others to come even though they were not supportive. Basically, everyone had a problem to come such as transportation, working, girlfriend and etc. But, when we could contact each other and discussed the problem, it could be settled down.
Honestly, many of friends were not supportive. They just admitted to not attending and without saying anything.
Farid came even though he had to work on the next morning in JB. He sacrificed his time and fuel for only to meet each other. Thanks to him.
Hamka, we felt sorry cause you changed you mind in last minutes and facing problem to come. Khai, you came very late cause miss location and cannot play with us. Sorry about that.
To others, hopefully we can organize such this event next few years insyallah.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Gong Xi Fa Cai
Happy New Year dedicated to all of my Chinese friends. Hope you all live in peacefully and happily in this year. Happy to tell you, i have registered for extra mandarin class level 1 in this semester. I hope i will know a bit words or sentences spoken by Chinese. Hopefully one day, i could read Guang Ming daily or Nyanyang Siang Pau news papers.
During my childhood, i still remembered my father asked me to go Chinese school when i was standard 1, but i neglected it because all of my brothers and a sister went to national primary school. I lived in Gemencheh for about a year. Then, my family migrated to Selancar 10, Pahang for about a year also.
Saturday, February 13, 2010
IT Salary in US
This is what my brother gave to me the link of IT Salary in US
Software Salaries
Average Software Salaries
The average salary for software jobs in Houston, TX is $60,000. Average software salaries can vary greatly due to company, location, industry, experience and benefits.
This salary was calculated using the average salary for all jobs with the term "software" anywhere in the job listing.
Average Salary of Jobs with Related Titles
In USD as of Feb 13, 2010 |
| |||||||
information technology specialist | $66,000 | |||||||
secretary | $34,000 | |||||||
software engineer | $76,000 | |||||||
it specialist | $68,000 | |||||||
administrative assistant | $30,000 | |||||||
usar unit administrator | $35,000 | |||||||
project manager | $76,000 | |||||||
human resources assistant | $32,000 | |||||||
java developer | $79,000 | |||||||
software developer | $71,000 | |||||||
business analyst | $68,000 | |||||||
staff accountant | $42,000 |
Software Salary Information
This free salary calculator uses salary data from millions of job listings indexed by Simply Hired's job search engine. The software salary comparisons feature allows job seekers to get the information required to make important career decisions and negotiate salary ranges.
For additional software salary information, we recommend visiting
Saturday, January 30, 2010
My Laptop
Nowadays, many brands of laptop are not reliable and durable. Once you bought, you only could use for two years without having too much problems , crashes or broken down.

I had bought a laptop which is Acer branded, model Aspire 5590 in 5th January 2007. On that time, this laptop had the highest specs but quite cheap compared to the others brands such as fujitsu, toshiba, asus, etc. So i bought it at RM4800 plus with RM400 for adding up 1GB RAM to make it 2GB. I also added 3 years warranty for RM200. So, the total price was RM5400.
What i want to tell you, my laptop had been broken three times since i bought it 3 years ago. Fortunately, i had 3 years warranty which did not cost me the money. The motherboard had been replaced twice which cost RM1000 each. Now, alphabet p and certain numbers on my keyboard are not functioning. So, i need to use on-screen keyboard when i want to type those alphabet and numbers. But now, the warranty had finished two weeks ago and i cannot get the free charge of repairing it. I think better i use this laptop until it get blue screen or fully broken down.
I am planning to buy Lenovo ThinkPad Edge one day. It is quite cheap and very durable.You get can it about RM1900 to RM2500. These are its specs:
- Windows 7 Professional 32-bit
- Intel Core 2 Duo SU7300 (1.3GHz, 800MHz FSB, 3MB Cache)
- 13.3" 1366 x 768 WXGA Glossy Display
- Intel X4500M Integrated Graphics
- 4GB DDR3 RAM (2GB x 2)
- 320GB Fujitsu 5400RPM Hard Drive
- Intel 6250AGN+WiMax, Bluetooth 2.0, Gobi 2000 WWAN
- Built-in web camera
- 6-cell 11.25v 63Wh Battery
- Dimensions: (LxWxH) 8.9 x 12.6 x 0.5" - 1.4"
- Weight: 3lbs 14.4oz
Very smart and reliable....
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Radiation emitted by digital devices
Every electronic devices emits some type of radiation, otherwise they would be useless..
Light from computer, TV, cell phone, sound wave from cell phone and radio wave from wireless router emit the radiation.
Do LCD screens emit radiation?
LCD displays generate an image by illuminating a matrix of tiny light. Unlike CRT, an LCD has no tube and no electron spray and generates no X-ray. LCD device do, however, emit low level of radiation depending on manufacturer, brand and model.
Are the current limits of radiation from cell phone safe?
Cell phone emits RF (radio frequency) energy which the high level of RF energy can heat human tissue much like the way a microwave oven heats food. A recent Swedish study found evidence that long-term, extensive cell phone use significantly increases the risk of brain tumor. However, a contradictory study performed by the London-based Institute of Cancer Research and three British universities found that cell phone risk does not increase the incidence of brain tumors in users. For me, there is no conclusion that mobile phone is absolutely safe, so it is unsafe.
How to avoid access cell phone radiation?
Use hand-free headset or its speaker-phone.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
ICT Work Force Source In Malaysia
From what i read the blog of Firdaus Harun, Frost and Sullivan had done a research on the demands of ICT workers. He summarized that:
So, try your best to be a good player in ICT industries
Friday, January 15, 2010
When i was in boarding school..
I learned about competitions. My batch SPM 2004 consists of 70 students was the second batch studying in this school. Thus, we all know each other quite well and until know we still contact and meet each other quite frequently as some of friends studying in the same university.
I was not active in co-curriculum. I was not good at outdoor or indoor sport. My legs could not run as fast as flash, my body was not fit to play any sport because my breathing would become fast and i quickly got tired and exhausted.
So i could not compete in sport. On the other hand, i try to compete myself with others in academics. I am not a smart student, but i am hardworking student. I could not remember what the teachers talked about in class, but i do understand after i had a lot of practices. I love chemistry because i love the ways she taught. i love her too huhu... The worst and the weakest subject that I had never achieved A in the tests before SPM was Bahasa Inggeris. For me I could not write a sentence in correct grammars and good vocabularies. I always got C in this subject in every test in before SPM. Thanks to teacher Wahida who was continuously teaching us excellently. Now I try to improve my English by writing my blog in English.
During my school time, i always neglected to talk to the girls. My thought was it is not important to have a talk with girls. I was also very shy on that time. After leaving the primary school, i tried my best to avoid from talking or having a chat to even one girl. huh.. might be i was too shy.. Studying in INTEC, uitm for doing AUSMAT also i very shy to talk to the girls.
After going to oversea, i developed my social skills by being a friend to the girls.. They were so helpful and understandable. I had developed my friendship with others. Even though my studies were going bad, but my friendship was going bigger huhuhu... There are pros and conts when you put friendship more important than study.
But now............. the very important thing, enjoy your study...
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